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Our Programs

We offer ‘COMPLETE NUTRITION PROGRAMS’ which takes you through your Fitness Journey so that you reach your fitness goals. Our programs include designed diets and counselling sessions in addition to weekly follow-ups. We give thorough hand-holding, right from checking your medical reports to giving you the desired results.

Weight (Fat) Loss Program

Lose your fat, not your muscle. Lose your weight in a healthy way. The diets given in this program help you to get down not only on your weight but the body fat percentage also gets reduced

Weight (Muscle) Gain Program

Gain your muscle, not fat. Gain your weight in a healthy way. The diets given in this program help you to gain your weight not your inches. The BMI and body fat percentage will be maintained as per your ideal readings.

Weight Maintenance Program

Do you find it difficult to break the weight loss plateau? Are you not able to maintain your lost/gained weight? Worry Not! We offer you Weight Maintenance Programs that gives you a month maintenance diet to maintain a healthy weight.

Sport-specific Program

If you work out in the gym, or do yoga, or go for aerobic sessions, then this program is for you. Your performance in the gym will be decided by not only your workout schedule but it depends mostly on what you eat before and after your exercises. This program design special sports diets as per your exercise schedule, exercise intensity and exercise type.

Kids Nutrition Program

This program is specially designed to provide thorough nourishment to children as they are the future. The counselling sessions are done based on the individual.

Special Teens Program

The program basically provides proper hand-holding to teenagers as this age is more vulnerable towards unhealthy eating.

Pregnancy Nutrition Program

This program is specially designed for pregnant women and provides thorough monitoring and counselling which helps them throughout their pregnancy journey.