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Nourish & Nurture future India – Happy Children’s Day 2020

Have you ever wondered why nutrition is so important right from childhood???
Though it is never too late to understand, it is vital to start eating healthy as early as
possible. This helps in avoiding health-risk factors in later years. Nutritional demands
differ with different stages of the life cycle. So, the reason is obvious. To help a child
develop their optimal potentials, to grow into a healthy individual, Optimum Nutrition
is crucial at a young age.
How many calories does a child need to consume? What type of calories does a
child require?
Till the age of 4 years, the calorie requirement is according to body weight. From the
age of 5 years till adolescence, there is slow & steady growth. Hence, the actual
amount of energy (calories) required goes on increasing. Concerning the quality of
calories, there are a lot of nutrients a child requires. It differs from child to child. A
single food item cannot provide all the nutrients that a child needs. Hence, we need
to make sure that your child consumes a variety of food regularly. Dietary intakes of
some children might be less than the recommended intake. This happens in cases of
Iron, Calcium and Vitamins especially vitamin A, D and C. In most cases, the
deficiencies are unlikely, provided fruits and vegetables are eaten. However,
depending upon the nutrient deficiencies and some of the food allergies a child may
face, the diet pattern needs to be planned. Making the right dietary intake and
lifestyle choices right at this age will help young people develop good eating habits,
that will be followed by them throughout their lives.
This is an age which will decide most common metabolic disorders in later years…..
The nutritional requirement in adolescents varies which is decided as per the sudden
increase of growth at the onset of puberty. The peak of growth is generally between
11 and 15 years for girls and 13 and 16 years for boys. Again, Nutritional demands
cannot be judged just by knowing the age of the person. Young people need to be
counseled so as to make them aware of some of the basic nutrients they need. In
this period of life, several nutrients are at greater deficiency risk including Iron and
Calcium. For example, Anemia is the most common abnormality seen in most of the
adolescents due to Iron deficiency in their bodies. Though the Iron requirements for
boys and girls differ, Once the adolescence starts, the boy undergoes rapid muscle
growth and increases in their weights. The Iron needs increases due to weight gain
and the beginning of menstruation for girls as well. All these factors need to be
considered while deciding Iron demands for this age group. Also, one of the most
common reasons for Iron deficiency is its absorption. So, proper diets have to be
planned to maintain the nutrient balance in the body.
The Calcium demands also increase in adolescents as it maintains the growth of the
bones. All the calcium for the skeletal growth must be derived from the diet. The
largest gains are made in early adolescence, between about 10-14 years in girls and
12-16 years in boys. The retention of calcium also becomes crucial. It ensures the
reduction of the high risk of Osteoporosis in later years. However, physical activity
along with proper nutrition is essential. It helps to build and retain bone density within
the body. The lack of physical activity results at the beginning of Obesity in most of
the adolescents.
ENERGY DEMANDS: Normally, children and adolescents meet their energy needs
through their appetites. However, stress and emotional imbalance can severely affect
the energy balance in adolescents. This might result in the consumption of too little
or too much food. Infections which relate to skin problems (acne) can result in
alterations of appetite. Emotional stress often related to slimming trends leads to
eating disorders such as Anorexia nervosa. To avoid all these problems, it is better to
take that little effort in streamlining the eating pattern of young children.
Proper Nutrition and Physical Activity in the early years are important to avoid healthrisk diseases like Obesity, Anemia, Osteoporosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, and many
Illnesses in the later years of life. So, why wait for any health problem to occur?
Prevention is ALWAYS better than Cure!!!
Come, Let’s Nurture these beautiful assets of our lives

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