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Eat Healthy, Age Gracefully

Ageing is a natural phenomenon. Hence, we can’t stop, it’s a part of life. However,
we can slow the ageing process. Though ageing is a degenerative process, it
shouldn’t become an excuse for our metabolic rates to be lowered. We do not age
just chronologically but even biologically, as our cells continue to damage. There is
alsoa decrease in the Muscle Mass, whereas the Fat storing capacity takes a hike.
The bone mass gets reduced. The skin loses its moisture. We do not have any
control over the chronological process of ageing. However, modifying one’s Lifestyle
and Dietary Habits can contribute to delay the process biologically. Basically, in
addition to taking care of the skin externally, we need to alter our eating habits,
manage our stress levels, and moderate physical activity boosts our metabolism.
The bottom line is: We shouldn’t be ageing faster than we should.
This may happen because of over-stress levels or not eating the right type of food or
not leading a healthy lifestyle. Food is the Best Medicine for anti-ageing. Living an
“Active Lifestyle” leads to “DELAY AGING”
After all, It is for us to decide “How do we wish to age!!! “ Isn’t it?
Before getting into the Dietary tips, let us learn the factors that can affect the ageing
Ageing gives rise to the following changes in one’s body:
• A decrease in the capacity to respond to external stress
• A decrease in the capacity to function
• Increase in the vulnerability to diseases
• Slow repair of worn-out tissues
• Lowers Metabolic rate
• Increase in the free radical accumulation
The basic essential nutrients impact our health in the long run. Although the key is to
follow a Balanced Nutrition, certain foods provide anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties which play a major role in maintaining our health.
The requirement for the following Nutrients increases as we age:
• Protein – to maintain Muscle Mass
• Vitamins C & D – to fight illnesses & to maintain the Bone Mass
• Vitamin B12 – to build immunity
• Fiber – to improve digestion
• Healthy Fats – to maintain suppleness of the skin
Consumption of the following foods provides important Vitamins & Minerals:
• Nuts and Seeds
• Beans
• Green Leafy Vegetables
• Berries like Strawberries, Blueberries etc.
• Whole Grains
• Herbs like Turmeric, Cinnamon etc.
Also, eating good Carbohydrates supports our health and slows down the ageing
Consumption of Refined Carbohydrates leads to the following effects :
• Promotes obesity
• Affects blood Lipids, blood pressure, and heart risk factors
• Affects Insulin sensitivity and Diabetes risk
• Impairs immunity
• Increase inflammation
• Increase non-alcoholic Fatty liver
Refined Sugar/flour absorbs very rapidly in the bloodstream causing all the above
health issues
Preventing dead foods like refined/processed foods, stale foods, high sodium, and
high-sugary foods will prevent dreadful illnesses. Focus on live-foods to keepalive
and fresh.
A Happy, Stress-free & Active Lifestyle, eating Balanced, exercising regularly
strengthens the Immune systems and keeps oneself out of getting sick frequently.
“Lifestyle is not a one-time affair, it’s a Life-long process”. Keeping our life active also
keeps our youthful spirits alive. It is not just to survive, but to have a good quality of


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